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Beyond an Active-Shooter Scenario: Countering a Multimodal Martyrdom Operation

Throughout history, the most difficult enemy to stop has been the lone-wolf assassin willing to sacrifice his/her own life for what he/she considers a noble cause. When that person is part of a larger team of would-be martyrs, the task becomes immensely more difficult and broader in scope. Advance training

The Missing Leg of a Well Balanced Facility Security Platform

The protection of high-value sites is one of the principal tasks spelled out in federal, state, local, and private-sector resilience policies and programs – most of which focus primarily on risk assessments, advance planning, and the implementation of effective security measures. A “fourth leg” – functional security testing – is

Field-Proven Medical Skills for Law-Enforcement Units

Thanks to major improvements in military medical care, even on the battlefield itself, the U.S. combat KIA (killed in action) casualty rate has declined dramatically for more than half a century. Question: Could the same medical skills, training, and equipment be used to reduce the KIA rate of U.S. police

Nuclear Smuggling: Detection Challenges & Hasty Acquisition

The Department of Homeland Security’s Customs & Border Protection branch has several immensely important responsibilities. There is no other challenge, though, quite so daunting as its primary duty of keeping nuclear weapons and/or devices from entering any of the more than 300 U.S. ports of entry from overseas. Making that

Law Enforcement Pandemic Resilience: Time to Recalibrate

The global-disaster scenario originally forecast fell far short of the dire predictions. Which is a good reason to celebrate. But not a reason to stop planning and preparing for “what might have been.” Hurricane Katrina taught many lessons worth learning, the most important of which is that states, communities, and

Surgically Implanted Death: Human IEDs vs. Full-Body Scanning

Terrorist patterns of adaptation continue to present challenges for the emergency services community worldwide.  In the 1980s the number of terrorist suicide/homicide bombings was rapidly increasing and spreading.  Terrorist tactics almost exclusively involved person-borne and vehicle-borne delivery of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).  Some terrorist groups led the way toward adaptation,

Local Security: The Forgotten Factor in Relief Operations

Two Missouri Air National Guard C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, with 47 crew members, were diverted to Chile to aid that earthquake-ravaged nation. The C-130 aircraft can fly passengers, and airlift cargo, long distances – in all weather conditions, both day and night, from low to high altitudes – and land

Citizen Involvement: Capitalizing on Terrorist Failures

The Christmas Day plans of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab were unrudely interrupted when the other passengers on Northwest Flight 253 foiled his murderous attempt to kill them all. The collective heroism they demonstrated was not just another instance of heroism by everyday citizens but also a shining example for others facing

The Jeff Cooper Principles: Changes Needed in Personal Defensive Preparedness

From time immemorial, and in every society on earth, those who enforce the law have themselves been targeted for death or injury by those who break the law. The attacks against U.S. police and other law-enforcement professionals have become both more frequent and more violent in recent years. Fortunately, there


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Article Out Loud – Malicious and Non-Malicious Cyber Incidents: Education and Preparation

Full article by Dan Scherr and Tanya Scherr, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness. In this featured article, two university professors describe the responsibility that organizations and their employees have in preventing cyberattacks. To ensure cyber resilience, disaster planning must include stakeholders across the organization. Learn more about hackers’

Article Out Loud – Securing Cities: The Fight Against Local Level Cyberthreats

  Full article by Michael Breslin, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, October 2, 2024. In this feature article, a cyber investigations specialist with extensive law enforcement experience describes how cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. At the local level, it forms the bedrock of the collective digital safety and

Article Out Loud – Thwarting Terrorist Threats at Home

  Full article by Richard Schoeberl, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, September 25, 2024. In this feature article, a terrorism expert with over 30 years of law enforcement experience revisits the events leading up to the September 11 attacks. Although the U.S. has not experienced another terrorist attack

Article Out Loud – Responder Fatigue: A Growing Concern

  Full article by Dan Scherr and Tanya Scherr, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, September 18, 2024. In this feature article, two public policy administration experts address a growing concern about responder fatigue. Emergencies require immediate action by people trained to extinguish fires, treat injuries, protect the public,

Article Out Loud – Crisis Communications: Reaching Teens and Young Adults

  Full article by Barrett Cappetto, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, September 18, 2024. In this feature article, a pipeline controller responsible for coordinating control center security and operational readiness shares some crisis communications research. Generation Z and millennials encompass almost half of the world’s population, and their

Article Out Loud – AI and 911 Call Systems: A New Ally or a Hidden Risk?

  Full article by Michael Breslin, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, September 11, 2024. In this feature article, a retired federal law enforcement senior executive describes how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the landscape by increasing efficiencies and risks. As unexpected events can strike at any moment, the

Article Out Loud – Security in and Around D.C.: Following the Informational Dots

  Full article by Catherine L. Feinman, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, September 11, 2024. In this feature article, the editor-in-chief of Domestic Preparedness shares her key takeaways from a recent interoperability summit focused on Preparing for the 60th Presidential Inauguration. Public safety agencies shared their lessons learned


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