BioWatch – Challenges & Opportunities for Applied Research
Rodrigo (Roddy) Moscoso
August 27, 2014
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has continued to use its legacy early warning system for
biological threats as it continues to weigh costs against effectiveness in its search for better
technological solutions. In the meantime, “big data” and social media analytics offer incremental steps
toward better biodetection and response.
The Broad Topic of Environmental Health & Security
Justin Snair
August 27, 2014
The Ebola outbreak, droughts, and the Elk River chemical spill are just a few of the environmental
health concerns that have occurred in 2014. With many societal and cultural changes, such broad topics
can be difficult to effectively address, but this podcast brings together subject matter experts to do
just that.
The Complexities of Environmental Health Security
Catherine L. Feinman
August 27, 2014
A topic that often bridges various disciplines and jurisdictions – and sometimes is overlooked in
the “big picture” – is security related to environmental health. To address questions surrounding this
topic, DomPrep asked readers how they define environmental health and where it fits within the national
and international security arena.
National Strategy for Biosecurity Threats
Robert C. Hutchinson
August 20, 2014
“Unexpected” threats may not be so unexpected, but rather foreseen threats that were not taken seriously. Anthrax, plague, and smallpox were ongoing concerns even before the recent incidents that occurred on U.S. soil. However, local jurisdictions must plan for and be operationally prepared for such no-notice biological incidents.
New York: Public Health Implications of the ‘Soda Ban’ Ruling
Andrew Geltman
August 20, 2014
The New York City Board of Health has a long tradition of creating innovative ways to promote better public health practices, but the recent “soda ban” ruling may hinder that innovation in the future. Although still a strong authority for “traditional” public health threats, the public health implications for “nontraditional” public health threats are yet to be seen.
Incident Response for Nursing & Assisted Living Homes
Steven Maynard
August 20, 2014
Article Out Loud Residents of nursing and assisted living homes are subject to many risks, including fires. Residents tend to be more physically and cognitively impaired, which puts them at
Georgia: Technologies & Disasters
Charley English
August 13, 2014
For emergency managers, the planning process never ends. Rather, it continues to evolve over time. The Georgia Emergency Management Agency embraces this concept and recently updated its mobile app to meet the changing needs of its local communities. This newly redesigned app serves as a template for agencies in other jurisdictions.
Public Health Emergencies – Looking Toward the Future
Audrey Mazurek and Raphael M. Barishansky
August 13, 2014
In January 2014, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events released a white paper listing seven recommendations to enhance the sustainability of preparedness efforts in the United States. The IOM paper reflects on relevant past accomplishments, the current state of public health preparedness, and future public health requirements to stay viable, sustainable, and effective.
Mass Fatalities – Processing Human Remains
Joseph Cahill
August 13, 2014
The unfortunate truth is – no matter how well prepared a jurisdiction is, no matter how well equipped and staffed, and no matter how good emergency plans are – bad things happen. Unlike most planning efforts, the goal of mass fatality planning is not to save lives, but rather to reunite decedents with their loved ones. These secondary victims are at the heart of such planning, which includes understanding the procedure for processing human remains – staging, decontamination, storage, examination,entification, and release – following a mass fatality incident.
Call for a Dedicated Environmental Health & Security Strategy
Justin Snair and Christopher Mills
August 5, 2014
The natural and built environments affect personal and population health, but the effects are often
only visible over time. Countering the threat of harmful substances and organisms in food, water, air,
and soil requires a multidiscipline approach. Determining where environmental health and security fits
alongside public health strategy and homeland security will help the nation better prevent, mitigate,
and respond to such threats.