Full article by Jeff Gaynor, an Article Out Loud from Domestic Preparedness, May 15, 2024.
In this feature article, a former White House communications security officer says that, for decades, preparedness leaders have known and publicly warned about the rapidly growing and metastasizing threats to and exploitable vulnerabilities of U.S. critical infrastructure. The critical infrastructure status quo is no match for the existing threats to and often self-inflicted vulnerabilities of the country’s cyber-reliant infrastructure and domestic preparedness.
Listen to expert insights on how to correct the U.S. critical infrastructure and domestic preparedness trajectories.
Jeff Gaynor
Retired U.S. Army Colonel Jeff Gaynor brings six decades of highly decorated military, communications monitoring and combat arms, intelligence, counterintelligence, defense intelligence senior executive service, and private sector critical infrastructure (CI) and national security and preparedness expertise to the most fundamental and urgent of national imperatives: Ensuring the operational resilience of the nation’s CI. His experience ranges from foxholes to the White House as President Ronald Reagan’s and George H.W. Bush’s communications security officer, as the principal action officer for the creation of the Defense Department’s Information Assurance Program, and as the Defense Department’s Y2K operations officer. Nine months before the long-predicted failure of the “protected” New Orleans Levee System, Jeff created and directed the Homeland Security Advisory Council’s Critical Infrastructure Task Force (CITF). The CITF questioned the effectiveness of the CI protection status quo and, in itsJanuary 2006 report, recommended critical infrastructure resilience be promulgated as “the top-level strategic objective – the desired outcome to drive national policy and planning.” Almost two decades later, Jeff continues to spearhead the physical implementation of resilience-based CI, business, community, and national preparedness mindsets, metrics, methodologies, and technologies for the U.S. and its allies.
- Jeff Gaynorhttps://www.domprep.com/author/jeff-gaynor