National Laboratory Partnerships: Linking Operations and Research

  In 2001, the September 11 (9/11) terrorist attacks spurred a pivotal change in the way the U.S. looks at preparedness for threats to the homeland. The two-plus decades that followed have been filled with collaborations, innovations, and partnerships that transformed the nation’s preparedness and response capabilities. At the Department of Energy national laboratories, researchers are tackling complex problems through innovative science and technology, supporting national security through research and development (R&D). Science and technology partnerships…

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Lessons in Social Media – Preparing Kids and Community Leaders for Disasters

Addressing children’s needs during a crisis can be challenging. Leveraging social media to create crisis communication campaigns can be an effective way to boost community outreach efforts and raise awareness of the unique needs children have in disaster planning and response. Successful social media campaigns by governmental and non-governmental organizations

The Key Bridge Collapse – Through the Lens of Community Lifelines

The eight major elements of Community Lifelines use traffic-light-type color-coding to categorize the adverse impact status of a disaster. The article’s author has applied this same system to the recovery efforts following the Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland. Learn how he applied this information-gathering tool to an ongoing recovery
mexican border, fence on left with woodsy mountain ahead

The Nexus Between Drug and Human Trafficking

Transnational criminal organizations are using their experience in drug trafficking to utilize routes and operating procedures to take advantage of other criminal opportunities, such as human trafficking.

Transportation Archives

Commercial Facilities Sector Perspectives

Commercial facilities dominate the U.S. economy, contributing trillions of dollars to the U.S. gross domestic product while employing and supporting millions of jobs. Learn more

Multimodal Transportation Perspectives

Without transportation and communications, emergency response can move at an uncomfortably slow pace, enough so that life, property, and the environment may be unnecessarily compromised.


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National Laboratory Partnerships: Linking Operations and Research

  In 2001, the September 11 (9/11) terrorist attacks spurred a pivotal change in the way the U.S. looks at preparedness for threats to the homeland. The two-plus decades that followed have been filled with collaborations, innovations, and partnerships that transformed the nation’s preparedness and response capabilities. At the Department of Energy national laboratories, researchers are tackling complex problems through innovative science and technology, supporting national security through research and development (R&D). Science and technology partnerships…

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Unattended suitcase in the middle of a populated airport terminal

The Missing Plague Vials

A true story of missing bubonic plague vials, an airport bomb threat, and other suspicious activities again demonstrate continued national


Water and Wastewater Sector Perspectives

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency defines the Water and Wastewater Systems Sector as one of “16 critical infrastructure sectors.” Read about this sector’s numerous

Planning for A Cross-Country Special Event

A solar eclipse is a unique form of special event that does not always fall under emergency planning protocols, but it should. This article urges


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