Human trafficking is a violation of human rights that leaves profound and lasting impacts on victims and society. The consequences are multifaceted, encompassing physical, psychological, and socioeconomic hardships that persist long after the trafficking experience ends. Victims endure severe conditions, including forced labor, significant health risks, and intense mental trauma. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is prevalent among survivors, often accompanied by cognitive impairment, depression, and, in extreme cases, suicide.
Socially, victims face isolation, loss of community support, and significant barriers to earning a livelihood. Moreover, society struggles to fully comprehend and address the far-reaching consequences of this heinous crime, which undermines public health, erodes trust, and affects the overall well-being of its members. By recognizing the profound impact of human trafficking, preparedness professionals can better advocate for effective interventions and support systems to aid survivors and strengthen societal resilience against such atrocities.
Human trafficking survivors are resilient. They exhibit remarkable strength – mental, physical, and emotional toughness – in the face of unimaginable adversity. Despite enduring physical and emotional trauma, they find ways to rebuild their lives by connecting with others, seeking support, and adapting to new circumstances. Many survivors channel their experiences into advocacy, raising awareness about human trafficking and fighting for justice. Their powerful stories are reminders of the human spirit’s capacity to endure and overcome even the darkest circumstances.
Probing Human Trafficking in the United States: A Focus on Victims Under Age 18
Human trafficking affects millions of people worldwide and disproportionately impacts vulnerable populations in the United States, particularly minority women and children. It is important to delve into the prevalence of human trafficking, the financial costs associated with it, and its broader societal impact, as well as key indicators and associated stigmas that highlight the profound consequences for victims and society at large.
Prevalence and Financial Costs Associated With Human Trafficking and the Broader Societal Impact
Globally, about 25 million people are subjected to human trafficking and forced labor, generating approximately $150 billion in illicit profits annually. These profits stem from various criminal activities, including sexual exploitation, forced labor, and organ trafficking. Human trafficking erodes the safety and health of communities, disrupts transportation networks, and compromises border security. Additionally, it weakens the economy and undermines the rule of law.
Determining the exact number of victims is challenging due to the hidden nature of trafficking, but it remains a major problem affecting thousands of individuals each year. Substantial amounts of illicit funds fill the coffers of organized crime groups and traffickers. In the United States, many adult and child victims are exploited for commercial sex.
Hidden Costs to Society
Efforts to prevent human trafficking, enforce laws, and support victims entail significant expenditures. Federal agencies dedicate substantial resources to anti-trafficking initiatives, focusing on collaboration across government and non-governmental entities. The U.S. Department of Justice, for instance, allocates millions of dollars to combat trafficking, support victims, and enhance research and evaluation efforts.
The intangible costs to society from sexual exploitation and trafficking are difficult to quantify. While some expenses are easily measurable, many are not immediately apparent or easily identifiable. These hidden costs extend beyond immediate financial implications, impacting community safety, public health, and social stability.
Community awareness campaigns, survivor support services, and specialized training for law enforcement add to the overall societal expense. Addressing human trafficking demands significant financial investment, but the long-term benefits of effective prevention and protection strategies far surpass the associated costs. Sharing information about potential indicators and the impacts on victims and society is a start:
Potential indicators of human trafficking (several indicators suggest possible human trafficking situations):
- Recruitment and control – Victims are often lured with false promises of employment, education, or a better life. Traffickers exert control through physical violence, threats, or manipulation.
Isolation – Victims may be isolated from family, friends, and community support networks.
Exploitative conditions – Victims endure harsh working conditions, sexual exploitation, and physical abuse.
Restricted movement – Traffickers limit victims’ freedom of movement, confiscating identification documents and isolating them from the outside world.
Impact on victims:
- Physical and psychological trauma – Victims suffer physical injuries, sexually transmitted infections, and mental health issues.
- Loss of freedom – Trafficked individuals lose their autonomy and basic human rights.
- Stunted development – Child victims miss out on education, social development, and emotional well-being.
- Long-term consequences – Survivors face lasting trauma, making it difficult to reintegrate into society.
Impact on society:
- Economic costs – Human trafficking undermines economic stability by perpetuating poverty and hindering development.
- Public health burden – Trafficking contributes to the spread of diseases, including HIV/AIDS.
- Criminal justice system strain – Investigating and prosecuting traffickers requires significant resources.
- Social fabric – Trafficking erodes trust and social cohesion within communities.
Stigmatization – Its Impact on Human Trafficking Victims and Challenges for First Responders
Human trafficking’s consequences are far-reaching. Efforts to combat human trafficking must prioritize prevention, victim protection, and prosecution of traffickers. Raising awareness, supporting survivors, and implementing effective policies are steps toward eradicating this crime and ensuring a safer, more just society. A less often discussed yet important factor impacting victims of human trafficking is the stigmatization surrounding the word itself, including the person who suffered under its weight and the families of those directly impacted. Stigma plays a significant role in the lives of human trafficking victims, especially minors. Here are some key points regarding stigmatization and its impact:
- Individual trauma – Trafficked victims may experience physical violence, sexual abuse, and forced labor, and be deprived of basic needs, which can cause severe physical, psychological, and emotional trauma. Long-lasting effects from this trauma can affect their mental health, self-esteem, and ability to trust others. In severe trauma cases, some may not ask for help or even identify as victims.
- Social stigma – Misconceptions about their trafficking experiences can cause victims to face stigma, discrimination, and social rejection, further isolating them from the support networks, help, and services they need.
- Community impact – Human trafficking often creates cycles of exploitation, poverty, and vulnerability that can destabilize communities and undermine laws.
- Stigmatization as a result and catalyst – Trafficking survivors often face stigmatization, which can lead to isolation and violence. Being discredited or disgraced because of their identity or circumstances, survivors may be framed as outside social norms, thus hindering access to support services and resources.
- Race, gender, and vulnerability – Discrimination based on race, gender, or other identities can make children vulnerable to trafficking. Easily identifiable at-risk youth may be denied resources, services, and safe employment. Harmful gender norms disproportionately affect girls, making them susceptible to trafficking.
- Long-term consequences – Stigmatization can lead to victim blaming and shaming, as well as ostracization. Survivors may face barriers in seeking physical and emotional health.
Understanding the role of stigmatization and addressing it properly is crucial for supporting trafficking survivors and preventing further exploitation. There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding this issue that must be dispelled. Survivors should be humanized and respected, not judged, or blamed. Special care and a respectful tone and language used to describe the survivor and their unique circumstances should be used at the core of every communication – verbal or written.
Public policies should be promoted to support victim protection, rights, and support. Reducing the stigma around trafficking survivors can help reduce the harm already done to them, enable their recovery, and promote a more compassionate and empathetic society. The U.S. Department of Justice lists some key legislation on its website.
Challenges to Public Safety Professionals
Law enforcement and first responders encounter many challenges when identifying and reporting potential human trafficking victims. A lack of uniform priority across agencies and jurisdictions for human trafficking crimes impacts victim identification, investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of the traffickers. The majority, if not all agencies are subject to varying levels of resource constraints, including funding, personnel, space, and equipment. Many public safety organizations lack the requisite resources for training, staffing, subject matter expertise to properly investigate, and front-line personnel like patrol officers and first responders.
Foreign language skills necessary for proper victim identification are also a gap in law enforcement’s much-needed capabilities. Here are some additional key obstacles confronting public safety personnel:
- Lack of training – Patrol officers and first responders often lack specific training on victim identification. Detectives may receive training, but those who unknowingly encounter trafficking victims need education on recognizing signs and appropriate responses.
- Language and trust barriers – Victims may not speak English or may be reluctant to trust law enforcement due to their traumatic experiences. Building rapport with victims is essential, but language barriers can hinder effective communication and prevent needed intervention.
- Hidden nature of trafficking – Human trafficking operates covertly, making it challenging to identify victims. Victims often fear harmful physical retaliation from traffickers if they report their abuse to the police.
- Fear of being wrong – First responders may hesitate to report suspicions due to the fear of false accusations. Balancing the need to act swiftly with the risk of misidentification is a delicate challenge.
These challenges, although daunting, are not insurmountable. Countless examples of success in combatting human trafficking by law enforcement and first responder professionals include properly identifying potential victims, rescuing survivors, and apprehending criminals behind the illegal trade. However, efforts to address these challenges must continue and expand to include improved training, proactive identification strategies, and public education about human trafficking.
Community Actions to Prevent Human Trafficking
Like any complex problem confronting society, no single government agency, not-for-profit, or law enforcement organization can provide the sole remedy. A whole community approach can combat the harms associated with human trafficking. Communities play a crucial role in the prevention and reporting of such a grave problem. By working together, residents and communities can help create a safer environment and contribute to eradicating human trafficking. Here are some actionable steps to take:
- Raise awareness – Educate community members about the signs of human trafficking. Host workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to inform people about this crime.
- Share resources – Distribute information at local events and public gatherings. Encourage community members to report suspected trafficking incidents to federal law enforcement by calling 1-866-347-2423 or contacting the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.
- Engage businesses and industries – Encourage companies to prevent trafficking in their supply chains. Advocate for transparency and accountability in supply chain management and sourcing practices.
- Support vulnerable populations – Reach out to underserved communities, migrants, and at-risk youth. Provide resources, mentorships, and safe spaces to prevent exploitation.
- Collaborate with law enforcement – Foster partnerships with local police and federal agencies. Provide adequate training and resources to first responders to recognize trafficking indicators and respond appropriately.
- Receive alerts – Stay aware of local threats and help locate missing persons by signing up for alerts within targeted geographic areas.
Although human trafficking remains a disruptive and far-reaching global problem, there is hope for positive change. Increased awareness, education, and community engagement are powerful tools in preventing trafficking. By fostering empathy, supporting survivors, and advocating for stronger policies, communities can collectively work toward eradicating this heinous crime.
Equally important and necessary are identifying and targeting the financial facets of the human trafficking business. The road that leads to a future where every individual is free from exploitation, and where society stands united against human trafficking is a long and onerous one. However, if not taken, the consequences are far more terrifying.

Michael Breslin
Michael Breslin is a retired federal law enforcement senior executive with 24 years of law enforcement and homeland security experience. He served as the deputy assistant director in the Office of Investigations focusing on the integrated mission of investigations and protection with oversight of 162 domestic and foreign field offices. He served as the event coordinator for the National Special Security Event Papal visit to Philadelphia in September 2015 and was appointed by the Secretary of Homeland Security to serve as the federal coordinator for the Papal Visit to the Mexico-U.S. Border in 2016. He is a member of the Senior Executive Service and is a published author of numerous articles on homeland security, defense, and threat mitigation methods. He serves on the Cyber Investigations Advisory Board of the U.S. Secret Service and is a Board Member for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. He also serves on the Preparedness Leadership Council. He has a B.A. from Saint John’s University, Queens, NY, an M.S. in National Security Strategy and a Graduate Certificate in Business Transformation and Decision Making from The Industrial College of the Armed Forces; and an MPA from John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
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