DomesticPreparedness met with Courtney B. Banks, Vice President, Homeland Security, Raytheon Company. The vice president for Raytheon’s homeland-security strategic business area provides a rundown on the company’s homeland-security and homeland-defense capabilities.
DomPrep has divided the 25 minute interview into 4 segments.
Download full audio interview to your MP3 player.
Listen to Audio Segment One
How her Raytheon business area has reoriented to leverage the company’s strength in technology and services for homeland security and homeland defense, both domestically and worldwide.
Duration: 4 Minutes 17 Seconds
Listen to Audio Segment Two
Integrating the capabilities of such systems as the Personal Authentication Device (PAD), the Electronic Incident Command System (e.ICS), the Emergency Patient Tracking System (EPTS), the Mobile Enhanced Situational Awareness (MESA) network, and Illinois and Iowa’s Quad Cities Area public-safety communications jpilot program, currently operational. Plus several international programs – e.g., the e-Borders program in the United Kingdom.
Duration: 5 Minutes 37 Seconds
Listen to Audio Segment Three
Raytheon’s organization and activities broken down by homeland-security and homeland-defense market segments: transportation and border security; law enforcement and security solutions; infrastructure protection and energy security; homeland defense and intelligence programs support; and combating terrorism and special operations support.
Duration: 8 Minutes 53 Seconds
Listen to Audio Segment Four
Countering the CBRNE (chemical, biological, radiation, nuclear, explosives) threats with Raytheon’s Advanced Spectroscopic Portal (ASP) system and Raytheon’s company-wide task force on counter-IED (improvised explosive device) technologies.
Duration: 6 Minutes 44 Seconds
Courtney B. Banks, Vice President, Homeland Security – a business unit of Raytheon Company’s Intelligence and Information Systems – draws on resources, technologies, and expertise throughout the company to build products that will enhance homeland security, homeland defense, and international homeland security programs for the United States and its allies throughout the world. Her responsibilities range from programs focused on emergency preparedness and response to infrastructure protection and energy security to transportation security, law enforcement, and security services. Prior to joining Raytheon, Banks served as director of homeland systems solutions for Lockheed Martin Systems Management, where she was responsible for business development, marketing, and management strategies while also serving as a national-security consultant to the federal government and a number of private corporations. She assembled and directed project teams that addressed such complex problems as combating terrorism, crisis planning, prevention and response, consequence management and corporate security. During the Clinton administration she worked in the Office of Head Counsel to the President and was the assistant in charge of global terrorism issues for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations/low-intensity conflict at the Department of Defense. She also was the manager of the Interagency Terrorism Response Awareness Program, where her principal responsibilities were in the fields of counter terrorism and consequence management.
Courtney B. Banks, Vice President, Homeland Security, Raytheon Company
DomesticPreparedness met with Courtney B. Banks, Vice President, Homeland Security, Raytheon Company. The vice president for Raytheon’s homeland-security strategic business area provides a rundown on the company’s homeland-security and homeland-defense capabilities.
DomPrep has divided the 25 minute interview into 4 segments.
Download full audio interview to your MP3 player.
Listen to Audio Segment One
Duration: 4 Minutes 17 Seconds
Listen to Audio Segment Two
Duration: 5 Minutes 37 Seconds
Listen to Audio Segment Three
Duration: 8 Minutes 53 Seconds
Listen to Audio Segment Four
Duration: 6 Minutes 44 Seconds
Courtney B. Banks, Vice President, Homeland Security – a business unit of Raytheon Company’s Intelligence and Information Systems – draws on resources, technologies, and expertise throughout the company to build products that will enhance homeland security, homeland defense, and international homeland security programs for the United States and its allies throughout the world. Her responsibilities range from programs focused on emergency preparedness and response to infrastructure protection and energy security to transportation security, law enforcement, and security services. Prior to joining Raytheon, Banks served as director of homeland systems solutions for Lockheed Martin Systems Management, where she was responsible for business development, marketing, and management strategies while also serving as a national-security consultant to the federal government and a number of private corporations. She assembled and directed project teams that addressed such complex problems as combating terrorism, crisis planning, prevention and response, consequence management and corporate security. During the Clinton administration she worked in the Office of Head Counsel to the President and was the assistant in charge of global terrorism issues for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations/low-intensity conflict at the Department of Defense. She also was the manager of the Interagency Terrorism Response Awareness Program, where her principal responsibilities were in the fields of counter terrorism and consequence management.
John F. Morton
John F. Morton is the Strategic Advisor for DomPrep. He is also the Homeland Security Team Lead for the Project on National Security Reform (PNSR). A member of the DomPrep team since its founding, he has served as managing editor for writer assignments and interviewer for scores of DomPrep audio interviews.
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