
A group of firefighters looking across the water

Preparedness ā€“ The Goal With No Finish Line

In memory of the September 11 terrorist attacks and National Preparedness Month, the authors in this September edition of the Domestic Preparedness Journal address community outreach, responder fatigue, first responder equipment, crisis communications, and threat awareness.

Thwarting Terrorist Threats at Home

Although the U.S. has not experienced another terrorist attack like the one on September 11, 2001 (9/11), the threat remains. In fact, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned that the danger of an Islamic extremist-inspired terrorist attack inside the country is at the highest point since 9/11. Learn how

Needed: More Imagination for Countering Domestic Risks

From ā€œLord of the Fliesā€ to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, significant consequences have been blamed on failures of imagination. Avoid repeating past mistakes and increasing risk through innovation, new technologies, and forward-thinking.

Three Puzzle Pieces That Increase Community Preparedness

This author reflects on his teamā€™s direct mission to New York in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, commonly referred to as 9/11, to consider if communities are more prepared today than they were in 2001.





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